Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Are you a "Label"?

If you consider yourself a Republican, a Democrat, a Liberal, or a Conservative then you’re probably insufficiently self aware to understand what follows so go tune into Rush Limbaugh or Lou Dobbs and get your views spoon fed in easy to digest sound bites. If, on the other hand, you find the tendency of the political class to try and brand you with a simplistic catch all label just plain insulting then read on. By the way, if you are offended by four letter words then just go ahead and skip this blog.

Here is my basic thesis. The terms "conservative" and "liberal" were coined by the political class as relatively simple herding mechanisms and the relatively simple among us allow ourseles to be herded. By the way, the term "political class" refers to that sector of society that make their living from politics. It includes political parties, professional politicians, political staff, political consultants, political press, and lobbyists. There are probably millions of them but the real problem lies with those that either occupy seats in Congress or are actively trying to occupy those seats.

Have you ever listened to someone complaining about either the Democrats or the Republicans as if one party has the answer and the other is full of idiots? Whenever I hear that I think "moron" - they're both equally flawed. The basic problem is that neither actually places the public good at the forefront of their thoughts or actions. Oh, they give it lip service however at the end of the day it's all above achieving and maintaining power and in today's environment that's not a whole lot different than saying it's all about the financial resources necessary to support an endless campaign season.

If you now use the term "conservative" or "liberal" to label yourself then my advice is to put down the ideology and pick up your brain. When you do so you'll find that the degree to which you identify with the status quo (conservative) or for change (liberal) depend on the subject.

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